- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major.
- Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast paced environment.
- Having good interpersonal and Communication Skills.
Qualification :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major
- Have a good skill in Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, Cinema 4D or 3D Max.
- Have an experince min. 1 year in the same field.
- Willing to work in shifts.
- Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast paced environment.
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills.
Qualification :
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major.
- Have a good skill in copywriting, directing & editing.
- Minimal 2 years experience as a Promo Producer in production house / television station.
- Assertive, energetic, Having Ability to work in fast paced environment.
- Having good interpersonal ad Communication Skills.
Qualification :
- Diploma or Bachelor degree from any major, min. GPA 3.00.
- Hands-on experience with Microsot Office applications.
- Having ability to work in fast-paced environment, assertive & energic
- Having experience as a secretary min. 1 year.
- Assertive, and have good communication skill.
Qualification :
- Bachelor Degree from any major.
- Excellent knowledge of fashion trends, color schemes, mood board, and designer labels.
- Interested in fashion styling.
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Having ability to work in fast-paced environment, assertive, and energetic.
Qualification :
- Diploma or Bachelor degree from any majors, preferably from Industrial Engineering
- Min GPA 3.00.
- Willing to work in shifts.
- Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast paced environment.
- Having good interpersonal and communication skill.
Cara melamar
Bagi yang berminat untuk melamar posisi ini, silahkan anda dapat DAFTAR secara online melalui tautan yang telah disediakan. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Jika Anda berminat untuk menjadi bagian dari Perusahaan dan meraih kesuksesan dalam karir Anda, jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini. Segera Daftar melalui tauatan dibawah ini sekarang juga !
Perhatian :
- Mohon untuk membaca informasi ini secara cermat dan menyeluruh.
- Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria terbaik yang akan diikutsertakan dalam seleksi lanjutan.
- Selama proses rekrutmen, tidak ada biaya yang akan dibebankan kepada pelamar.
Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda dan kami mengharapkan Anda untuk berbagi informasi ini dengan teman atau keluarga yang mungkin memerlukannya. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang lowongan kerja di sektor BUMN, CPNS, atau sektor swasta lainnya, kunjungi situs web kami di Situscarikerja.com
Baca Juga : Lowongan kerja Untuk Lulusan SMK Terbaru Semua Jurusan
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