- Pendidikan minimal S1 jurusan Teknik Lingkungan/Kehutanan/jurusan lain yang relevan.
- Memiliki pengalaman dalam bidang yang sama minimal 8 tahun dalam bidang yang sama.
- Memahami konsep pengelolaan air, LB3, udara, dll.
- Memiliki pengalaman dalam perusahaan tambang lebih diutamakan.
- Memahami regulasi lingkungan terbaru.
- Memahami mekanisme pelaporan seperti SIMPEL, dll.
- Pernah terlibat dalam Audit Lingkungan, SML/ISO 14001, PROPERNAS.
- Memiliki kompetensi / sertifikasi di bidang lingkungan.
- Menguasai software ArcGIS.
Pertanyaan dari perusahaan
Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
How many years’ experience do you have as an Environmental Specialist?
Are you willing to undergo a pre-employment background check?
Are you willing to undergo a pre-employment medical check?
How would you rate your English language skills?
Profil perusahaan
To be A Leading Energy Provider
Excellent and Responsible Energy Provider
Providing Energy for Life
The Baramulti group commenced coal trading in Jakarta in 1988. We plan to increase our value by:
Effectively managing business risk
Being aggressive in the market place
Maximizing efficiency at the mine sites
Actively seeking new coal concession for development
Achieving growth in shipping by increasing the fleet size
Diversifying into other commodities
Company History
In 1988, Baramulti Group commenced trading in Jakarta , the first coal concession was acquired in Malinau, East Kalimantan. It now owns seven producing coal concessions with five other concessions under development.
The Group’s shipping business was established in 1993. It now operates 40 units of tugs and barges, of which 16 are owned by the Group.
The group also owns six floating cranes which provide offshore transshipment services for dry bulk cargo.